Monday, May 16, 2011

Recall Review: Split decision in Belchertown, MA; Big sustained victory in Texas for Mayor, Michigan, Wisconsin, Florida, Canada and Sweden

Massachusetts: Belchertown recall results -- one councilman loses (by 27 votes), the other two survive: Holden voters reject recall

Texas: College Station voters overwhelming retain mayor, councilmembers (74% of the vote)

Michigan: Governor, Senate Recalls are a longshot, analysts say -- always a good bet when talking about a recall, but the article does not consider the technological changes that have occured since the groundbreaking 1983 recalls in the Michigan state Senate

Wisconsin: The fights are shaping up. Check out the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel and Wisconsin Recall Blogger for some detailed analysis

Wisconsin: Thorp Mayor faces recall charges after domestic dispute allegations

Canada: British Columbia also has its peculiar (or completely unknown) campaign finance rules for recalls. Wonder how many states, like Wisconsin, have different rules for recalls and regular elections

Florida: Avon Park recall against Deputy Mayor, Councilmembers handed in

Sweden: Victories in two recall elections for Social Democrats

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